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The words 触 (chù), 摸 (mō), and 抚 (fǔ) all relate to physical contact but have slightly different meanings.
- 触 (chù) means "to touch" or "to come into contact with," often implying a more general or indirect touch.
- 摸 (mō) means "to feel" or "to stroke," usually involving a more deliberate or gentle action.
- 抚 (fǔ) means "to pat" or "to caress," often conveying a sense of affection or tenderness in the action.
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1. 抚 (fǔ): stroke, caress; pat; soothe; comfort; fondle (Pinyin: fǔ)
2. 探 (tàn): explore, search, feel around (Pinyin: tàn)
3. 搔 (sāo): scratch, feel around (Pinyin: sāo)
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摸 (mō) is commonly used in the context of physical touch or feeling. It can refer to stroking or touching something with one's hands, such as 摸头 (mōtóu) which means to pat someone's head. It can also refer to feeling for something in the dark or with one's eyes closed, such as 摸黑 (mōhēi) which means to grope in the dark.
In addition, 摸 (mō) can also be used to describe fumbling or trying to find something, often in a clumsy or uncertain manner. For example, 摸索 (mōsuǒ) means to fumble or grope for something.
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- 人模狗样 / 人模狗樣 [ren2 mo2 gou3 yang4] , (idiom) look decent or behave decently, pretending to be someone of worth
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