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1. 深奥 (shēn ào) - profound, abstruse, deep
2. 深远 (shēn yuǎn) - profound, far-reaching, deep
3. 深邃 (shēn suì) - profound, deep, unfathomable
1. 浅薄 (qiǎn bó) - shallow, superficial, shallow
2. 肤浅 (fū qiǎn) - superficial, shallow, superficial
3. 浅陋 (qiǎn lòu) - superficial, shallow, crude
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深刻 (shēnkè) is typically used to describe something that has a deep and lasting impression. It can be used to describe a situation, an experience, or a feeling. For example, one might say that a certain event had a 深刻 (shēnkè) impact on them, or that a certain experience left a 深刻 (shēnkè) impression. It can also be used to describe a person's thoughts or feelings, such as when someone has a 深刻 (shēnkè) understanding of a certain concept.
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