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Yes, in some contexts, 缩小 (suōxiǎo) can be replaced by other words with similar meanings. Here are some possible alternatives:
1. 减小 (jiǎnxiǎo) - This word also means "reduce" or "decrease" and can be used in place of 缩小 in most contexts. However, it may have a slightly stronger connotation of actively making something smaller, whereas 缩小 can also refer to a natural or passive decrease in size.
2. 缩减 (suōjiǎn) - This word combines the meanings of both 缩小 and 减小, and can be used to indicate a reduction in size or quantity. It may be a more formal or technical term than 缩小.
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1. 我们需要缩小公司的规模来降低成本。(Wǒmen xūyào suōxiǎo gōngsī de guīmó lái jiàngdī chéngběn.) - We need to reduce the size of the company to lower costs.
2. 这件衣服洗了之后会缩小。(Zhè jiàn yīfu xǐ le zhīhòu huì suōxiǎo.) - This piece of clothing will shrink after washing.
3. 他的建议能够缩小我们之间的分歧。(Tā de jiànyì nénggòu suōxiǎo wǒmen zhījiān de fēnqí.) - His suggestion can narrow the gap between us.
4. 这个地区的农业产量缩小了。(Zhège dìqū de nóngyè chǎnliàng suōxiǎo le.) - The agricultural output in this region has decreased.
5. 我们需要缩小这个项目的范围。(Wǒmen xūyào suōxiǎo zhège xiàngmù de fànwéi.) - We need to narrow down the scope of this project.
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