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技术 (jìshù) means "technology" or "skill" in the Chinese language. It refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the expertise in a particular field.
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技术 (jìshù) and 科技 (kējì) are two related words that are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings and connotations.
技术 (jìshù) refers to the practical skills and techniques used to accomplish a specific task or achieve a certain goal. It can also refer to the knowledge and expertise required to use these skills effectively. In this sense, 技术 (jìshù) can be translated as "skill" or "technology." For example, 电脑技术 (diànnǎo jìshù) means "computer skills" or "computer technology."
On the other hand, 科技 (kējì) refers to the broader field of science and technology. It encompasses not only practical skills and techniques, but also scientific theories, research, and development. In this sense, 科技 (kējì) can be translated as "science and technology." For example, 科技发展 (kējì fāzhǎn) means "scientific and technological development."
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1. 技术可以帮助我们更有效地工作 (jìshù kěyǐ bāngzhù wǒmen gèng yǒuxiào de gōngzuò) - Technology can help us work more efficiently.
2. 技术的发展使我们的生活更加便利 (jìshù de fāzhǎn shǐ wǒmen de shēnghuó gèngjiā biànlì) - The development of technology has made our lives more convenient.
3. 技术的进步使我们能够更快地完成任务 (jìshù de jìnbù shǐ wǒmen nénggòu gèng kuài de wánchéng rènwù) - The progress of technology has enabled us to complete tasks faster.
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