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1. 模仿 (mófǎng) - to imitate, to mimic
This word is used to describe the act of copying or imitating someone or something. It can refer to imitating someone's actions, behavior, or mannerisms.
2. 模式 (móshì) - mode, pattern, model
This word is used to describe a particular way of doing something or a specific pattern or model. It can refer to a method, system, or style that is used as a standard or example.
3. 模型 (móxíng) - model, prototype
This word is used to describe a physical or conceptual representation of something. It can refer to a model or prototype used for testing or demonstration purposes.
4. 模范 (mófàn) - exemplary, model, role model
This word is used to describe someone or something that serves as a good example or model to follow. It can refer to a person's behavior, actions, or achievements that are considered admirable or worthy of emulation.
5. 模板 (móbǎn) - template, pattern
This word is used to describe a pre-designed format or pattern that can be used as a guide for creating something. It can refer to a template for a document, website, or design.
6. 模糊 (móhu) - vague, unclear, blurry
This word is used to describe something that is not clear or well-defined. It can refer to a blurry image, an unclear concept, or a vague idea.
7. 模拟 (mónǐ) - simulation, imitate, mimic
This word is used to describe the act of simulating or imitating something. It can refer to a computer simulation, a mock-up, or a mimicry of real-life situations.
8. 模具 (mójù) - mold, die
This word is used to describe a tool or device used for shaping or forming materials. It can refer to a mold used in manufacturing or a die used in metalworking.
9. 模样 (móyàng) - appearance, look, style
This word is used to describe the outward appearance or style of something or someone. It can refer to the way something looks or the way someone presents themselves.
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