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扑 (pū) is commonly used to describe a sudden, aggressive action. For example, it can be used to describe someone throwing themselves onto something or someone, or rushing at something or someone. It can also be used to describe the flapping of wings or the bending of a body. For example, one might say 我看到鸟儿在扑打翅膀 (wǒ kàn dào niǎo ér zài pū dǎ chì bǎng - I saw a bird flapping its wings).
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1. 冲 (chōng) - to rush, to charge
2. 抢 (qiǎng) - to grab, to snatch
3. 跳 (tiào) - to jump, to leap
4. 跃 (yuè) - to leap, to spring
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The correct way to use 扑 (pū) in a sentence depends on the specific meaning you want to convey. Here are some examples:
1. Pounce on: 她扑向孩子,把他抱在怀里。(Tā pū xiàng háizi, bǎ tā bào zài huái lǐ.) She pounced on the child and hugged him in her arms.
2. Throw oneself on: 他扑在床上,大哭了起来。(Tā pū zài chuáng shàng, dà kū le qǐ lái.) He threw himself on the bed and burst into tears.
3. Rush at: 狗扑向陌生人,把他吓了一跳。(Gǒu pū xiàng mòshēng rén, bǎ tā xià le yī tiào.) The dog rushed at the stranger and startled him.
4. Flap, flutter: 鸟儿扑动着翅膀,飞向远方。(Niǎo ér pūdòng zhe chìbǎng, fēi xiàng yuǎnfāng.) The bird flapped its wings and flew into the distance.
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