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Here are some related words to 现代 (xiàndài), which means "modern times":
1. 现代化 (xiàndàihuà) - This term means "modernization." It refers to the process of adapting or transforming something to be more modern, often involving technological advancements or social changes.
2. 当代 (dāngdài) - This word means "contemporary" or "present era." It refers to the current period, often in contrast to the past or future. It can be used to describe art, literature, or culture that is relevant to the present time.
3. 新潮 (xīncháo) - This term translates to "trendy" or "fashionable." It often refers to new and modern trends in fashion, design, or lifestyle that reflect contemporary tastes.
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现代 (xiàndài) means "modern times" in Chinese. For example, you could say: 现代 (xiàndài) 的技术和思想起着重要的作用。This means "Modern technology and ideas play an important role."
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