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In conversation, 主持人 (zhǔchírén) is commonly used to refer to the person who is in charge of hosting or emceeing an event or program. This can include a variety of events such as a TV show, a conference, a wedding, or a game show.
For example, if someone is introducing a TV show, they might say "现在让我们欢迎今天的主持人。" (xiànzài ràng wǒmen huānyíng jīntiān de zhǔchírén) which translates to "Now let's welcome today's host."
Another common usage of 主持人 (zhǔchírén) is in the context of a news program, where it refers to the anchorperson or news presenter. For example, "这个新闻节目的主持人是王小姐。" (zhège xīnwén jiémù de zhǔchírén shì Wáng xiǎojiě) which translates to "The anchorperson for this news program is Miss Wang."
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