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No, we cannot say 齊齊 (qí qí) in place of 一齊 (yī qí).
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1. 同时 (tóngshí) - at the same time, simultaneously
2. 共同 (gòngtóng) - together, jointly
3. 一起 (yìqĭ) - together, in unison
4. 同步 (tóngbù) - synchronized, in sync
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一齐 (yīqí) is used to express that two or more people are doing something together at the same time. For example, 他们一齐 (tāmen yīqí) 努力工作 (nǔlì gōngzuò) "they worked hard together". It can also be used to express that two or more people are in the same place at the same time, for example 他们一齐 (tāmen yīqí) 到达 (dàodá) 了现场 (le xiànchǎng) "they arrived at the scene together".
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