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1. 工资 (gōng zī) - wage, salary
2. 薪水 (xīn shuǐ) - salary, wages
3. 奖金 (jiǎng jīn) - bonus
4. 补偿 (bǔ cháng) - compensation
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报酬 (bào chou) is a noun that means "pay" or "remuneration" in English. It is often used in the context of work or services being compensated for.
Example 1: 我每个月的报酬都会按时发放。(Wǒ měi gè yuè de bào chou dōu huì àn shí fā fàng.)
Translation: My monthly pay will be distributed on time.
Example 2: 这份工作的报酬很高。(Zhè fèn gōng zuò de bào chou hěn gāo.)
Translation: The pay for this job is very high.
Example 3: 他为了更高的报酬,决定换一份工作。(Tā wèi le gèng gāo de bào chou, jué dìng huàn yī fèn gōng zuò.)
Translation: In order to get a higher pay, he decided to change jobs.
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