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爱情片 (àiqíng piàn) is a compound word in Chinese that combines the characters 爱情 (àiqíng), meaning "love" or "romance," and 片 (piàn), meaning "film" or "movie." Together, 爱情片 refers to a genre of film that focuses on a romantic love story.
我最喜欢看爱情片。(Wǒ zuì xǐhuan kàn àiqíng piàn.) I love watching romance films.
这部电影是一部经典的爱情片。(Zhè bù diànyǐng shì yī bù jīngdiǎn de àiqíng piàn.) This movie is a classic romance film.
这部爱情片的故事情节很感人。(Zhè bù àiqíng piàn de gùshì qíngjié hěn gǎnrén.) The story plot of this romance film is very touching.
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