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1. 我喜欢在河边沉思,享受宁静的氛围。(Wǒ xǐhuan zài hé biān chén sī, xiǎngshòu níngjìng de fēnwéi.) - I like to contemplate by the river, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
2. 他沉思了很久,最终做出了决定。(Tā chénsī le hěn jiǔ, zuìzhōng zuò chū le juédìng.) - He contemplated for a long time and finally made an important decision.
3. 沉思是一种很好的放松方式,可以帮助我们思考问题。(Chénsī shì yī zhǒng hěn hǎo de fàngsōng fāngshì, kěyǐ bāngzhù wǒmen sīkǎo wèntí.) - Contemplation is a great way to relax and help us think about problems.
4. 她沉思着,回忆起了过去的美好时光。(Tā chén sī zhe, huíyì qǐ le guòqù de měihǎo shíguāng.) - She was lost in thought, reminiscing about the good times in the past.
5. 在这个喧嚣的城市里,很难找到一个安静的地方沉思。(Zài zhège xuānxiāo de chéngshì lǐ, hěn nán zhǎodào yīgè ānjìng de dìfang chén sī.) - It's hard to find a quiet place to contemplate in this bustling city.
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