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撑 (chēng) is commonly used in everyday Chinese conversations to mean "to prop, to open, to maintain, to keep up; fill to the point of bursting". For example, it can be used to describe someone who is trying to keep up with a difficult task or situation, such as 她撑得住 (tā chēng de zhù; She is managing to keep up). It can also be used to describe someone who is trying to prop up a situation, such as 他撑起了整个家庭 (tā chēng qǐ le zhěng gè jiā tíng; He is propping up the entire family). Finally, it can be used to describe someone who is trying to fill something to the point of bursting, such as 少吃点,别撑着了。 (Eat little less; don't eat until you feel too full.)
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