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我们应该努力使我们的生活充实 (chōng shí)。
We should strive to enrich our lives.
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充实 (chōng shí) is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal settings. It can be used to describe a person's state of being, such as feeling fulfilled or enriched, or it can be used to describe a situation or experience as being rich or full.
In formal settings, 充实 can be used to describe a person's personal growth or development, such as "充实的人生" (chōng shí de rén shēng) meaning a fulfilling life. It can also be used in a professional context, such as "充实的工作经验" (chōng shí de gōng zuò jīng yàn) meaning rich work experience.
In informal settings, 充实 can be used to describe a person's feelings or emotions, such as "我感到很充实" (wǒ gǎn dào hěn chōng shí) meaning I feel fulfilled. It can also be used to describe a fun or exciting experience, such as "这次旅行很充实" (zhè cì lǚ xíng hěn chōng shí) meaning this trip was very enriching.
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