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1. 共产主义理论的核心是无产阶级的解放和社会主义的建设。(Gòngchǎn zhǔyì lǐlùn de héxīn shì wúchǎn jiējí de jiěfàng hé shèhuì zhǔyì de jiànshè.) - The core of communist theory is the liberation of the proletariat and the construction of socialism.
2. 共产主义社会中,个人利益应该服从集体利益。(Gòngchǎn zhǔyì shèhuì zhōng, gèrén lìyì yīnggāi fúcóng jítǐ lìyì.) - In a communist society, individual interests should be subordinated to the collective interests.
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