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The correct way to use 演绎 (yǎnyì) in a sentence is as follows:
1. 演绎 (yǎnyì) can be used as a verb, meaning "to deduce" or "to make a deduction". For example:
- 通过观察事实,我们可以演绎出这个结论。(Tōngguò guānchá shìshí, wǒmen kěyǐ yǎnyì chū zhège jiélùn.)
(Through observing the facts, we can deduce this conclusion.)
2. 演绎 (yǎnyì) can also be used as a noun, meaning "deduction" or "reasoning". For example:
- 这个结论是通过演绎得出的。(Zhège jiélùn shì tōngguò yǎnyì dé chū de.)
(This conclusion was reached through deduction.)
3. 演绎 (yǎnyì) can also be used in the phrase "演绎推理" (yǎnyì tuīlǐ), which means "deductive reasoning". For example:
- 他的演绎推理能力很强。(Tā de yǎnyì tuīlǐ nénglì hěn qiáng.)
(His deductive reasoning skills are very strong.)
4. 演绎 (yǎn yì) can also be used in the phrase "演绎法" (yǎn yì fǎ), which refers to the method of deduction. For example:
- 在数学中,演绎法是解决问题的重要方法。(Zài shùxué zhōng, yǎnyì fǎ shì jiějué wèntí de zhòngyào fāngfǎ.)
(In mathematics, the method of deduction is an important way to solve problems.)
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