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劝阻 (quàn zǔ) is a verb that means "to dissuade" or "to discourage" in English. It is often used to describe the act of trying to persuade someone not to do something or to change their mind about a decision.
Example: 他的朋友们劝阻他不要继续赌博,但是他还是不听,最后输光了所有的钱。
(Tā de péngyǒumen quàn zǔ tā bùyào jìxù dǔbó, dànshì tā háishì bù tīng, zuìhòu shū guāng le suǒyǒu de qián.)
His friends tried to dissuade him from continuing to gamble, but he didn't listen and ended up losing all his money.
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