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关联 (guānlián) is commonly used in conversation to describe a connection or relationship between two or more things. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
For example, one might say "我和他之间没有任何关联" (wǒ hé tā zhī jiān méiyǒu rènhé guānlián) which means "There is no connection between me and him."
关联 (guānlián) can also be used as a noun to refer to a relationship or connection. For example, "这两件事情之间有什么关联吗?" (zhè liǎng jiàn shìqing zhī jiān yǒu shénme guānlián ma?) which means "Is there any connection between these two things?"
In some cases, 关联 (guānlián) can also be used to describe a correlation or association between two things. For example, "研究表明,抽烟和肺癌之间有关联" (yánjiū biǎomíng, chōuyān hé fèiái zhījiān yǒu guānlián) which means "Studies have shown a correlation between smoking and lung cancer."
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