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1. 我得病了,需要去看医生。(Wǒ dé bìng le, xū yào qù kàn yī shēng.) - I have fallen ill and need to see a doctor.
2. 他得了重感冒,已经请假在家休息。(Tā dé le zhòng gǎn mào, yǐ jīng qǐng jià zài jiā xiū xi.) - He has caught a bad cold and has already taken a sick leave to rest at home.
3. 她得了流感,所以不能参加明天的聚会。(Tā dé le liú gǎn, suǒ yǐ bù néng cān jiā míng tiān de jù huì.) - She has the flu, so she can't attend the gathering tomorrow.
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发病 (fā bìng), 生病 (shēng bìng), versus 得病 (dé bìng):
发病 (fā bìng) - This term refers specifically to the onset of a disease or the moment when symptoms appear. It is often used in a medical context.
生病 (shēng bìng) - This phrase means to get sick or to become ill. It is a more general term that encompasses the overall experience of being unwell.
得病 (dé bìng) - This term means to catch or contract a disease. It emphasizes the acquisition of an illness, often implying that a person has become infected or affected by a specific disease.
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