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1. 停止 (tíng zhǐ): stop; cease; halt;
2. 拿到 (ná dào): get; obtain; acquire;
3. 抓住 (zhuā zhù): catch; seize;
4. 赢得 (yíng dé): win; gain; acquire;
5. 得到 (dé dào): get; obtain; acquire;
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1. When someone is complaining or whining excessively, you might say "得了,别再抱怨了" (dé le, bié zài bàoyuàn le) which means "all right, stop complaining."
2. If someone is bragging or showing off, you could say "得了吧,你也不是第一次了" (dé le ba, nǐ yě bùshì dì yī cì le) which means "hold it, this isn't your first time."
3. When someone is trying to argue with you, you could say "得了吧,我们不要再争论了" (dé le ba, wǒmen bùyào zài zhēnglùn le) which means "let's stop arguing."
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