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瞎扯 (xiā chě): This phrase literally translates to "pulling randomly". It is used to describe someone who is talking nonsense or saying something that is not relevant to the conversation.
乱说 (luàn shuō): This phrase literally translates to "talk randomly". It is used to describe someone who is talking nonsense or saying something that is not relevant to the conversation.
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In conversation, 胡说 (húshuō) is used to describe someone who is talking nonsense or drivel. It is often used to express disbelief or frustration with someone's words. For example, if someone is making an outrageous claim, another person might respond with "胡说!" (húshuō!) to express their disbelief. It can also be used to describe someone who is talking in a way that is not making sense, such as if someone is rambling on without getting to the point. In this case, someone might say "你别胡说了!" (nǐ bié húshuō le!) to tell the person to stop talking nonsense.
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胡说 (húshuō) and 吹牛 (chuīniú) both mean "talk nonsense" or "drivel" in English. However, there are some subtle differences between the two words.
胡说 (húshuō) is a more general term that can refer to any kind of nonsensical or illogical talk. It can also be used to describe someone who is being insincere or dishonest in their speech. This word is often used in a negative or disapproving way.
吹牛 (chuīniú) is a more specific term that refers to boasting or bragging. It carries a connotation of exaggeration or making grandiose claims. This word is often used in a playful or teasing manner, and is not necessarily seen as negative.
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The terms 胡说 (hú shuō), 乱说 (luàn shuō), and 瞎说 (xiā shuō) all refer to speaking nonsense or saying things that aren't true, but they have slightly different connotations:
1. 胡说 (hú shuō) - This term often implies that what is being said is completely unfounded or nonsensical. It can also suggest a sense of absurdity or ridiculousness in the statement.
2. 乱说 (luàn shuō) - This phrase means to speak indiscriminately or chaotically. It suggests that the speaker is talking without thinking or without regard for the truth, often in a confusing or disorganized manner.
3. 瞎说 (xiā shuō) - This term indicates speaking blindly or without knowledge. It often conveys the idea that the speaker is making statements without any basis or understanding of the topic.
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