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In conversation, 均可 (jūn kě) is commonly used to express that both options or choices are acceptable or possible. It can also be used to indicate that both options have equal weight or importance.
For example:
1. A: 我们可以去看电影,也可以去逛街。(Wǒmen kěyǐ qù kàn diànyǐng, yě kěyǐ qù guàngjiē.) We can go watch a movie or go shopping.
B: 均可,你决定吧。(Jūn kě, nǐ juédìng ba.) Either is fine, you decide.
2. A: 这两个方案都有利有弊,你觉得怎么样?(Zhè liǎng gè fāng'àn dōu yǒu lì yǒu bì, nǐ juéde zěnme yàng?) Both of these plans have pros and cons, what do you think?
B: 我认为均可,我们再讨论一下。(Wǒ rènwéi jūn kě, wǒmen zài tǎolùn yíxià.) I think both are OK, let's discuss it further.
In these examples, 均可 is used to indicate that both options are acceptable or possible. It can also be used to express neutrality or a lack of preference between two options.
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