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慌忙 (huāngmáng) is a commonly used word in spoken Chinese, especially in informal conversations. It is used to describe a state of being hurried or rushed, often due to a sense of urgency or panic.
他慌忙地走出了房间。(Tā huāngmáng de zǒu chū le fángjiān.) - He hurriedly walked out of the room.
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1. 匆忙 (cōngmáng) - This word also means "hurriedly, in a rush" and is often used to describe a sense of urgency or busyness. It can also imply a lack of preparation or planning.
2. 急忙 (jímáng) - This word conveys a sense of urgency and haste, often used to describe someone who is rushing to do something or make a decision.
3. 匆促 (cōngcù) - This word means "hurriedly, hastily" and is often used to describe a quick or rushed action or decision.
4. 忙乱 (mángluàn) - This word means "chaotic, disorderly" and can also imply a sense of being in a rush or hurry.
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