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1. 警察正在监视嫌疑犯的行踪。(Jǐngchá zhèngzài jiānshì xiányí fàn de xíngzōng.) - The police are keeping watch on the suspect's movements.
2. 这个监视系统可以实时监控公司的网络活动。(Zhège jiānshì xìtǒng kěyǐ shíshí jiānkòng gōngsī de wǎngluò huódòng.) - This monitoring system can monitor the company's network activity in real time.
3. 他被指控违反监视规定。(Tā bèi zhǐkòng wéifǎn jiānshì guīdìng.) - He was accused of violating the monitoring regulations.
4. 我们需要一个可靠的监视系统来保护我们的财产。(Wǒmen xūyào yīgè kěkào de jiānshì xìtǒng lái bǎohù wǒmen de cáichǎn.) - We need a reliable monitoring system to protect our property.
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