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The word 偶数 (ǒushù) is used in both formal and informal contexts to refer to an even number. It is a commonly used term in mathematics and is pronounced as "ǒu shù" in Mandarin Chinese.
In formal contexts, such as academic or professional settings, 偶数 (ǒushù) is used to describe numbers that can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder. It is often used in mathematical equations and discussions about numbers and their properties.
In informal contexts, 偶数 (ǒushù) is used more casually to refer to even numbers in everyday conversations. For example, someone might say "这个数字是偶数吗?(Zhè ge shù zì shì ǒushù ma?)" meaning "Is this number an even number?" in a casual conversation with friends or family.
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In everyday conversations, 偶数 (ǒushù) is used to refer to an even number. For example, someone might say "我们应该把这些数字分成两偶数和奇数两组。(Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ zhèxiē shùzì fēnchéng ǒushù hé jī shù liǎng zǔ) " (We should divide these numbers into even and odd groups).
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