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The word "早班" (zǎo bān) is commonly used in conversation to refer to the morning shift, typically in a work or job setting. It is pronounced as "zǎo bān" in Mandarin Chinese.
In Chinese, "早" (zǎo) means "early" and "班" (bān) means "shift", so the literal translation of "早班" is "early shift". This term is often used in contrast to "晚班" (wǎn bān), which means "night shift".
For example, someone might say "我今天是早班" (wǒ jīntiān shì zǎo bān), meaning "I have the morning shift today". This could be used in a conversation between coworkers discussing their work schedules.
In addition to its usage in work settings, "早班" can also be used in other contexts, such as transportation. For instance, a train or bus schedule might have a column labeled "早班" to indicate the morning departure times.
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