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No, 高低 (gāo dī) is not used to compare the height of two people. The correct term to use when comparing the height of two people is 高矮 (gāo ǎi).
高低 (gāo dī) can be used to compare the level or quality of something. For example, "价格高低" (jià gé gāo dī) means "price difference" or "difference in price," and can be used to compare the prices of two items.
Similarly, "水平高低" (shuǐ píng gāo dī) means "difference in level" or "difference in skill level," and can be used to compare the skill levels of two people.
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1. 这个山峰的高低可以从远处看出来。(Zhège shānfēng de gāo dī kěyǐ cóng yuǎnchù kàn chūlái.) - The height of this mountain peak can be seen from far away.
2. 他成绩的高低取决于他的努力程度。(Tā chéngjì de gāo dī qǔjué yú tā de nǔlì chéngdù.) - His grades depend on the level of effort he puts in.
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