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In conversation, 敷衍 (fūyǎn) is usually used to describe someone who is not putting in enough effort or is not taking something seriously. It is often used to criticize someone for not taking something seriously or for not putting in enough effort. For example, someone might say "你不能只是敷衍了事 (nǐ bù néng zhǐ shì fūyǎn liǎo shì)" which means "you can't just go through the motions".
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1. 塞责 (sèzé) - This verb means to perform one's duties in a perfunctory or superficial manner. It is often used to describe someone who is not fully committed to their responsibilities and only does the bare minimum.
2. 搪塞 (tángsè) - This verb means to use superficial or vague excuses to avoid dealing with a problem or issue. It can also imply that the person is trying to deceive or mislead others by giving a superficial explanation.
3. 应付 (yìngfù) - This verb means to handle something in a superficial or half-hearted manner, without giving it the attention or effort it deserves. It can also imply that the person is trying to get by with minimal effort.
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