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1. 士兵 (shìbīng) - This word refers specifically to a foot soldier in the army. It can also be used to refer to a soldier in general.
2. 军士 (jūnshì) - This word refers to a non-commissioned officer in the army.
3. 军官 (jūnguān) - This word refers to a commissioned officer in the army.
4. 战士 (zhànshì) - This word refers to a warrior or fighter, and can also be used to refer to a soldier.
5. 兵 (bīng) - This word refers to a soldier or military personnel in general.
6. 军队成员 (jūnduì chéngyuán) - This phrase refers to members of the military, and can be used to refer to soldiers in a more general sense.
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