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好久不见 (hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn) is a phrase used to express surprise and joy at seeing someone after a long time. It is often used as a greeting when meeting someone after a long period of time. It is also used to express surprise when seeing someone unexpectedly after a long time.
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1. 好久没见 (hǎojiǔméijiàn): Literally translates to "haven't seen for a long time".
2. 好久不联系 (hǎojiǔbúliánxì): Literally translates to "haven't been in contact for a long time".
1. 刚见 (gāngjiàn): Literally translates to "just saw".
2. 刚联系 (gāngliánxì): Literally translates to "just contacted".
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