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"頭家" (tóujiā) can be used as a synonym for "老板" (lǎobǎn), especially in certain dialects or informal contexts. "老板" is more commonly used in standard Mandarin.
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The grammatical structure of "老板" (lǎobǎn) is a noun. It is used to refer to a person in a position of authority, such as a boss or supervisor. It can also be used to refer to the owner of a business. It is usually used in the third person, for example: 他是老板 (tā shì lǎobǎn) - He is the boss.
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1. 老板大人 (lǎobǎn dàrén): Literally meaning "big person of the boss", this phrase is used to refer to the boss in a respectful way.
2. 老板娘 (lǎobǎnniáng): This phrase literally means "wife of the boss" and is used to refer to a female boss.
3. 老板说了算 (lǎobǎn shuōle suàn): This phrase literally means "what the boss says counts" and is used to refer to the boss having the final say in a decision.
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老板今天给了我一个新任务,需要尽快完成。" (Lǎobǎn jīntiān gěi le wǒ yī gè xīn rènwu, xūyào jǐnkuài wánchéng.) - "The boss gave me a new task today that needs to be completed quickly."
There are more examples using 老板 (lǎobǎn).
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