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1. 零钱不够 (líng qián bù gòu) - Not enough change: This phrase is used when someone does not have enough small denomination currency to pay for something.
2. 零钱充足 (líng qián chōng zú) - Enough change: This phrase is used when someone has enough small denomination currency to pay for something.
3. 零钱袋 (líng qián dài) - Change purse: This phrase refers to a small bag or pouch used to hold small denomination currency.
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"零钱" (língqián) is used to refer to the small change that you have in your pocket or purse. For example, if you are buying something that costs ¥40 and you give the cashier a ¥50 note, they will give you ¥10 in "零钱" (língqián).
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