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"点燃" (diǎnrán) is a verb that means "to ignite, to light, to inspire" in English. It is often used to describe the act of starting a fire or lighting a flame, both literally and figuratively.
Example 1: 我用火柴点燃了蜡烛。(Wǒ yòng huǒchái diǎnrán le làzhú.) I used a match to light the candle.
Example 2: 他的演讲点燃了观众的热情。(Tā de yǎnjiǎng diǎnrán le guānzhòng de rèqíng.) His speech ignited the audience's enthusiasm.
In all of these examples, "点燃" (diǎnrán) is used to describe the action of starting or igniting something, whether it be a physical flame or an emotional response. It can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as "点燃希望" (diǎnrán xīwàng) which means "to ignite hope."
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