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锤 (chuí) is a noun that refers to a hammer, a tool used for pounding or shaping objects by striking them with a heavy metal head attached to a handle. It can also be used as a verb, meaning "to hammer into shape."
Some common phrases and expressions using 锤 (chuí) include:
1. 锤子 (chuízi) - hammer
2. 锤炼 (chuíliàn) - to temper; to forge
3. 锤打 (chuídǎ) - to hammer; to strike
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锤 (chuí) refers to a "hammer" as a tool used for striking or pounding.
捶 (chuí) is a verb that means "to pound" or "to beat," referring to the action of using a hammer or similar tool.
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