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The word 传单 (chuándān) is commonly used in everyday conversation in China. It refers to a handbill or leaflet that is used for advertising or promoting a product, service, or event. The pronunciation of this word is "chuán dān" with the first tone on both characters.
In everyday conversation, people may use the word 传单 (chuándān) when talking about receiving or handing out flyers or leaflets. For example, someone may say "我今天收到了一张传单" (wǒ jīntiān shōudào le yī zhāng chuándān) which means "I received a flyer today". Or, they may say "我在街上发传单" (wǒ zài jiēshàng fā chuándān) which means "I am handing out flyers on the street".
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