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畅销 (chàngxiāo) is commonly used to describe a product or item that is selling well and in high demand. It can also refer to a business or company that is doing well in terms of sales and profits.
Example 1: 这本书非常畅销,每天都有很多人来买。(Zhè běn shū fēicháng chàngxiāo, měitiān dōu yǒu hěnduō rén lái mǎi.) This book is selling very well, there are many people coming to buy it every day.
Example 2: 这家公司的产品非常畅销,每个月都有很高的销售额。(Zhè jiā gōngsī de chǎnpǐn fēicháng chàngxiāo, měi gè yuè dōu yǒu hěn gāo de xiāoshòu é.) This company's products are very popular and have high sales every month.
Example 3: 这个品牌的衣服在国内外都很畅销。(Zhè gè pǐnpái de yīfu zài guónèi wài dōu hěn chàngxiāo.) This brand's clothes are selling well both domestically and internationally.
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