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必将 (bìjiāng) is commonly used in a sentence to express a strong sense of inevitability or necessity. It can be translated as "cannot but," "necessarily," or "by all means." It is often used to convey a sense of determination or certainty in a situation.
For example:
1. 我们必将战胜困难。(Wǒmen bìjiāng zhànshèng kùnnán.) - We will definitely overcome the difficulties.
2. 这个问题必将得到解决。(Zhège wèntí bìjiāng dédào jiějué.) - This problem will surely be solved.
3. 他必将成为一名优秀的运动员。(Tā bìjiāng chéngwéi yīmíng yōuxiù de yùndòngyuán.) - He will surely become an excellent athlete.
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