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1. 才华 (cáihuá) - This word refers to one's natural talent or ability in a specific area, such as music, art, or writing. It can also be used to describe someone who is gifted or talented in general.
2. 天赋 (tiānfù) - This word refers to one's innate or natural talent, often seen as a gift from the heavens. It can also be used to describe a special ability or aptitude that one possesses.
3. 能力 (nénglì) - This word refers to one's ability or capacity to do something, and can also be used to describe one's talent or skill in a particular area.
4. 才能 (cáinéng) - This word refers to one's talent or ability, and is often used to describe someone who is skilled or gifted in a certain field.
5. 才智 (cáizhì) - This word refers to one's intelligence or cleverness, and can also be used to describe one's talent or ability in solving problems or coming up with creative solutions.
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