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公分 (gōngfēn) is a unit of measurement commonly used in China, equivalent to one hundredth of a meter or approximately 0.39 inches. It is often used to measure length, width, and height of objects.
Example 1:
这条鱼的长度是十公分。(Zhè tiáo yú de chángdù shì shí gōngfēn.)
The length of this fish is ten centimeters.
Example 2:
这本书的厚度大约是三公分。(Zhè běn shū de hòudù dàyuē shì sān gōngfēn.)
The thickness of this book is approximately three centimeters.
Example 3:
这个盒子的宽度是五公分。(Zhè gè hézi de kuāndù shì wǔ gōngfēn.)
The width of this box is five centimeters.
Example 4:
这条裙子的长度是八十公分。(Zhè tiáo qúnzi de chángdù shì bāshí gōngfēn.)
The length of this skirt is eighty centimeters.
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