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The difference between 共享 (gòng xiǎng) and 分享 (fēn xiǎng) is that 共享 (gòng xiǎng) means to share something with others - it might be a tangible thing, e.g. a nice meal, or an abstract thing, e.g. a happy moment, etc. Whatever it is, the action of enjoying this thing happens at the same time for everybody involved.
分享 (fēn xiǎng) means to share something with others and but the action focuses on the act of sharing by giving away something good for free, or telling a good news or positive piece of information so that the other party is also aware.
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共享 (gòng xiǎng) is commonly used to refer to the idea of sharing something with someone else. For example, one might say "我们可以共享这个蛋糕 (wǒ men kě yǐ gòng xiǎng zhè gè dàn gāo)" which translates to "We can share this cake". It can also be used to refer to the idea of enjoying something together, such as "我们一起共享这个美好的时刻 (wǒ men yī qǐ gòng xiǎng zhè gè měi hǎo de shí kè)" which translates to "Let's share this beautiful moment together".
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