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1. 阿拉伯文化有着悠久的历史。(Ā lā bó wén huà yǒu zhe yōu jiǔ de lì shǐ.) - Arab culture has a long history.
2. 阿拉伯语是阿拉伯人的母语。(Ā lā bó yǔ shì ā lā bó rén de mǔ yǔ.) - Arabic is the mother tongue of the Arabs.
3. 阿拉伯国家的主要宗教是伊斯兰教。(Ā lā bó guó jiā de zhǔ yào zōng jiào shì yī sī lán jiào.) - The main religion in Arab countries is Islam.
4. 阿拉伯人以热情好客著称。(Ā lā bó rén yǐ rè qíng hào kè zhù chēng.) - Arabs are known for their warm hospitality.
6. 阿拉伯国家的经济主要依靠石油出口。(Ā lā bó guó jiā de jīng jì zhǔ yào yī kào shí yóu chū kǒu.) - The economy of Arab countries mainly relies on oil exports.
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