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bān wén
n. strip, streak
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What is an appropriate way to use 斑纹 (bān wén) in a sentence?
1. 这条蛇身上有着明显的黑白相间的斑纹。(Zhè tiáo shé shēn shàng yǒu zhe míng xiǎn de hēi bái xiāng jiàn de bān wén.) - This snake has distinct black and white stripes on its body.

2. 这件衣服的设计师巧妙地运用了斑纹元素,让整体看起来更加时尚。(Zhè jiàn yī fu de shè jì shī qiǎo miào de yùn yòng le bān wén yuán sù, ràng zhěng tǐ kàn qǐ lái gèng jiā shí shàng.) - The designer of this clothing cleverly incorporated stripes, making the overall look more fashionable.

3. 这种动物的皮毛上有着美丽的斑纹。(Zhè zhǒng dòng wù de pí máo shàng yǒu zhe měi lì de bān wén.) - The fur of this animal has beautiful stripes.
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