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虽 (suī) is used to express a contrast between two ideas. It is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence and is followed by a conjunctive word such as 但 (dàn) or 却 (què). For example:
他虽丑,但他很慷慨。Tā suī chǒu,dàn tā hěn kāngkǎi.
He is poor, but he is quite generous.
In this sentence, 虽(suī) is used to express the contrast between the idea of being poor and the idea of being generous.
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虽 (suī) is a conjunction that is used to express contrast in a sentence. It is often translated as "though, although; even, even if" in English.
虽 (suī) is often used to introduce a subordinate clause that expresses a contrast to the main clause. For example: 虽然 (suīrán) 我很忙 (wǒ hěn máng), 但是 (dànshì) 我还是会去 (wǒ háishì huì qù)。Although I am busy, I will still go.
In this sentence, the main clause is "我很忙 (wǒ hěn máng)" which means "I am busy", and the subordinate clause introduced by 虽然 (suīrán) is "我还是会去 (wǒ háishì huì qù)" which means "I will still go". The two clauses are in contrast to each other, showing that despite being busy, the speaker will still go.
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