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1. 黎明 (límíng) - This word specifically refers to the moment when the sky starts to lighten before sunrise, and is pronounced as "lí míng". It can also be used to describe the early morning hours.
2. 拂晓 (fúxiǎo) - This word refers to the moment when the first light of dawn appears, and is pronounced as "fú xiǎo". It can also be used to describe the early morning hours.
3. 清早 (qīngzǎo) - This word means "early morning" and is pronounced as "qīng zǎo". It is a more casual term compared to 清晨.
4. 晨光 (chénguāng) - This word refers to the light of dawn, and is pronounced as "chén guāng". It can also be used to describe the early morning hours.
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清晨 (qīngchén) is commonly used in conversation to refer to the early hours of the morning, typically between 5am and 8am. It is often used to describe the time of day when the sun is just rising and the sky is still relatively dark.
Example 1:
A: 你今天早上几点起床?(Nǐ jīntiān zǎoshang jǐ diǎn qǐchuáng?) What time did you wake up this morning?
B: 我是在清晨六点起床的。(Wǒ shì zài qīngchén liù diǎn qǐchuáng de.) I woke up at 6am in the early morning.
Example 2:
A: 你喜欢在什么时候跑步?(Nǐ xǐhuān zài shénme shíhou pǎobù?) When do you like to go for a run?
B: 我喜欢在清晨跑步,空气新鲜。(Wǒ xǐhuan zài qīngchén pǎobù, kōngqì xīnxiān.) I like to go for a run in the early morning, the air is fresh.
Example 3:
A: 你今天早上有什么计划?(Nǐ jīntiān zǎoshang yǒu shénme jìhuà?) What are your plans for this morning?
B: 我打算在清晨去公园散步。(Wǒ dǎsuàn zài qīngchén qù gōngyuán sànbù.) I plan to go for a walk in the park in the early morning.
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