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仍旧 (réng jiù) is an informal word in Chinese. It is often used in spoken language and informal writing, but not commonly used in formal writing or formal situations.
The word 仍旧 (réng jiù) means "as before, still" and is used to indicate that something has not changed or remains the same as it was before. It can also be used to express a sense of continuity or persistence.
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仍旧 (réng jiù) is an adverb that means "as before" or "still" in English. It is often used to indicate that something remains the same or unchanged despite a certain amount of time passing or other changes occurring.
For example, you could say "他仍旧喜欢吃巧克力" (tā réng jiù xǐhuan chī qiǎokèlì) which means "He still likes to eat chocolate" or "她仍旧住在那个小镇上" (tā réng jiù zhù zài nàgè xiǎo zhèn shàng) which means "She still lives in that small town."
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1. 我仍旧喜欢你。(Wǒ réngjiù xǐhuan nǐ.) - I still like you.
2. 他仍旧保持着乐观的态度。(Tā réngjiù bǎochí zhe lèguān de tàidù.) - He still maintains an optimistic attitude.
3. 这个地方仍旧保留着古老的风貌。(Zhègè dìfang réngjiù bǎoliú zhe gǔlǎo de fēngmào.) - This place still retains its ancient charm.
4. 尽管经历了许多挑战,他仍旧坚持自己的梦想。(Jǐnguǎn jīnglì le xǔduō tiǎozhàn, tā réngjiù jiānchí zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) - Despite facing many challenges, he still persists in pursuing his dreams.
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