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命运 (mìngyùn): fate, destiny; the course of one's life.
宿命 (sùmìng): predestined fate; predetermined destiny.
缘分 (yuánfèn): fate; destiny; predestined relationship.
天命 (tiānmìng): fate; destiny; the will of Heaven.
天意 (tiānyì): the will of Heaven; fate; destiny.
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To be surviving is important. = 生存是重要的。
Where did you see this phrase "命重要"? It sounds odd. Can you provide the context?
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1. 命运 (mìng yùn) - fate, destiny
This phrase refers to the predetermined course of events in a person's life. It can also be used to describe a person's luck or fortune.
2. 命中注定 (mìng zhòng zhù dìng) - destined, fated
Literally meaning "destined by fate," this phrase is often used to describe a situation or outcome that was predetermined and cannot be changed.
3. 命运多舛 (mìng yùn duō chuǎn) - a life full of ups and downs
Similar to 命途多舛, this phrase refers to a life that is full of challenges and obstacles.
4. 命丧黄泉 (mìng sàng huáng quán) - to die, to pass away
Literally meaning "to lose one's life and enter the Yellow Springs," this phrase is often used to describe someone's death.
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