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点头 (diǎntóu) is used in everyday speech to mean "to nod". It is used to indicate agreement or understanding, or to show that one is listening. For example, if someone is talking to you and you want to show that you are paying attention, you can 点头 (diǎntóu). It is also used to indicate agreement with what someone has said, or to show that you understand what they are saying.
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1. 点头称是 (diǎntóu chēng shì) - to nod in agreement or approval
2. 点头哈腰 (diǎntóu hā yāo) - to bow and nod in respect or submission
3. 点头示意 (diǎntóu shì yì) - to nod as a sign or signal
4.点头会意 (diǎntóu huì yì) - to nod in understanding or comprehension
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