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1. 我需要办借书证才能借阅图书。(Wǒ xūyào bàn jièshūzhèng cáinéng jiè yuè túshū.) - I need to apply for a library card in order to borrow books.
2. 请出示您的借书证。(Qǐng chūshì nín de jièshūzhèng.) - Please show me your library card.
3. 借书证是学生和教师在图书馆借阅图书的必备证件。(Jièshūzhèng shì xuésheng hé jiàoshī zài túshūguǎn jiè yuè túshū de bìbèi zhèngjiàn.) - A library card is a necessary document for students and teachers to borrow books from the library.
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