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非凡 (fēifán) is a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal situations. It is often used to describe something or someone that is exceptional, outstanding, or extraordinary. In formal situations, it can be used to praise someone's achievements or abilities, such as in a speech or a formal letter. For example, "他的成就非凡,为公司带来了巨大的成功。(Tā de chéngjiù fēifán, wèi gōngsī dàilái le jùdà de chénggōng.) His achievements are outstanding and have brought great success to the company."
In informal situations, 非凡 (fēifán) can be used to describe something or someone that is impressive or remarkable. It can also be used to express surprise or admiration. For example, "这部电影真是非凡,我看了三遍都不厌倦。(Zhè bù diànyǐng zhēn shì fēifán, wǒ kàn le sān biàn dōu bù yànjuàn.) This movie is truly extraordinary, I've watched it three times and I'm still not tired of it."
In both formal and informal situations, 非凡 (fēifán) can also be used to describe a situation or event that is out of the ordinary or beyond expectations. For example, "这次会议的成果非凡,我们取得了意想不到的进展。(Zhè cì huìyì de chéngguǒ fēifán, wǒmen qǔdé le yìxiǎng bùdào de jìnzhǎn.) The results of this meeting are outstanding, we have made unexpected progress."
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Yes, there is a difference between 非凡 (fēifán) and 非常 (fēicháng).
非凡 (fēifán) is an adjective that means "extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable" and is often used to describe something or someone that is beyond the ordinary or usual.
非常 (fēicháng) also means "extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable" but it can also be an adverb that means "very, extremely, exceedingly".
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1. 非凡成就 (fēi fán chéng jiù) - outstanding achievement
2. 非凡勇气 (fēi fán yǒng qì) - extraordinary courage
3. 非凡表现 (fēi fán biǎo xiàn) - exceptional performance
4. 非凡能力 (fēi fán néng lì) - remarkable ability
5. 非凡经历 (fēi fán jīng lì) - extraordinary experience
6. 非凡魅力 (fēi fán mèi lì) - extraordinary charm
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