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The literal translation of 名副其实 (míngfùqíshí) is "name matches reality." This phrase is often used to describe someone or something that lives up to their reputation or name, and is worthy of the title they hold. It can also be used to describe a situation or event that is exactly as it was expected or promised to be.
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In everyday conversation, 名副其实 (míngfùqíshí) is often used to describe someone or something that lives up to its name or reputation. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
For example, if someone is known for being a hardworking and dedicated employee, you could say "他的工作态度名副其实 (tā de gōngzuò tàidù míngfùqíshí)" which means "his work attitude is truly worthy of his name."
Another common usage of 名副其实 (míngfùqíshí) is in advertising or marketing. Companies may use this phrase to promote their products or services, claiming that they are truly living up to their name or brand promise.
For example, a restaurant may advertise their food as "名副其实的美味 (míngfùqíshí de měiwèi)" which means "truly delicious as its name suggests."
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